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Mobil 1_x0099_ Annual Protection Motor Oil

Mobil 1™ Annual Protection top-tier extended drain full synthetic motor oils, features advanced lubricant technology that provides proven protection for 20,000 miles or one full year between oil changes, whichever comes first – guaranteed.†

When using Mobil 1 Annual Protection we also recommend using a Mobil 1™ Extended Performance oil filter. Though not required, these filters meet the requirements of the Mobil 1 Annual Protection limited warranty and are a perfect companion product for longer-lasting protection.

Mobil 1 Annual Protection oils are recommended for all types of modern vehicles, including high-performance, turbocharged, supercharged, multi-valve and fuel-injected engines that are found in passenger cars, SUVs, light vans and trucks.

Features and Benefits

Mobil 1 Annual Protection 0W-20, 5W-20 and 5W-30 are formulated with high performance synthetic base stocks fortified with a proprietary anti-aging technology system, designed to provide our longest lasting engine protection. Mobil 1 Annual Protection oils control oil breakdown to maximize wear protection and prevent harmful sludge during extended oil change intervals.

  • Ultimate full synthetic formula
  • Assurance of longer lasting protection and our best product for your engine.
  • Proprietary anti-aging technology
  • Controls breakdown to extend oil life, providing longer lasting protection during extended oil change intervals.
  • Maximizes wear protection
  • Unsurpassed wear protection to help keep your engine running like new.
  • Prevents harmful sludge
  • Keeps engines clean for longer, to help extend engine life.
  • Longer lasting protection
  • The potential for once a year oil changes and added convenience.
  • Tested, proven technology
  • Proven in actual vehicle testing to provide outstanding protection during extended oil change interval service.