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Brisk Premium EVO Racing Spark Plugs

Brisk Premium Evo racing spark plugs are 5 pin earth electrode design with silver center core to give better utilization of fuel energy, reduction of specific fuel consumption and suppression of some imperfections of new and older engines.

Our Brisk Premium Evo Design spark plugs features a Unique Patented Laser Technology where auxiliary electrode at the tip of the insulator is formed using  technology of laser deposition this gives a longer lifespan, whilst offering a multiple spark discharge.. This auxiliary electrode is similar to what is used in our Premium Multi-Spark design.


  • Continuous spark gap over entire circumference 2 x 360°.

  • Extremely long flash over.

  • Laser cut electrodes.

  • Lower voltage consumption


  • Cars with unleaded fuel.

  • Cars with long service intervals.

Type of use

  • City Traffic.

  • City and highway traffic.

Service life

  • Up to 60 000 km or 40 000 miles.