As the largest and oldest water-methanol injection company Snow Performance brings experience and insight to all aspects of water-methanol injection. It is our promise and passion to deliver a state of the art water-methanol injection experience to our customers through quality components (Made in the USA), honest marketing, expert technical support for all water-meth users regardless if our system, no questions asked customer service, and offer products that deliver an outstanding value to all Snow Performance customers regardless of location. Our vision is for all to benefit with this great technology and give quality injection systems that simple perform. We love what we do and would like to invite you to share in the Snow Performance pr ...omise of quality, value, and performance.
You will be happy you did.
The Science of Water Injection
Our gas water-methanol injection kits produce a finely atomized mixture that's injected into the combustion chamber at precise times. The water enters the combustion chamber and decreases the inlet air temperature by up to 100 degrees more than any air to air intercooler. One of the highest octane fuels on the planet, methanol, enters the combustion chamber and spikes the effective octane of the fuel you are using by 25 points. Combine the two together and you now have one of the coldest air charges possible and a octane monster running race gas!
The Chemical Intercooler
A Snow Performance water-meth kit will lower IATs up to 100 degrees instantly! Increasing performance and giving you the most from your vehicle
Octane Monster!
Octane! Octane! Octane! When injecting a 50/50 mix of water-methanol the effective octane of your fuel will increase 25 points! Turning 91 octane pump gas to 116 Race Gas Quality fuel!
Detonation Control & Safety
Because your vehicle now has much colder IATs and impressive octane you can increase boot and ignition timing for HP gains of up to 20%! Or add it on top of high octane fuel/E85 for significantly cooler IATs and added safety.
The Snow Performance product range includes Stage 1 Boost Cooler® (Water-Methanol Injection Kit For Forced Induction Gasoline Engines), Stage 2 Boost Cooler® (Progressive Water-Methanol Injection Kit For Forced Induction Gasoline Engines), Stage 2 Maf/Map (Progressive Water-Methanol Injection Kit For Naturally Aspirated/Forced Induction Gasoline Engines), Stage 2 Muscle Car (Progressive Water-Methanol Injection Kit For All Carbureted Engines) and Stage 3 Boost Cooler® (2D Mapped Water-Methanol Injection Kit For Forced Induction Gasoline Engines).